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Review Article
Use of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry for body composition in chronic disease management
Tae Nyun Kim
Cardiovasc Prev Pharmacother. 2024;6(4):128-134.   Published online October 31, 2024
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As individuals age or contend with chronic diseases, shifts in body composition often emerge, characterized by a loss of muscle mass and an increase in fat mass, even among those with stable body weight. Both obesity and sarcopenia are key drivers of frailty, disability, and heightened morbidity and mortality. The simultaneous decline in skeletal muscle and accumulation of visceral fat can work synergistically, magnifying their detrimental effects on physical function and metabolic health. Today, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is widely recognized as one of the most versatile imaging techniques for assessing not only osteoporosis but also sarcopenia and obesity. Whole-body DEXA facilitates comprehensive analysis, offering detailed insights into fat mass, non-bone lean mass, and bone mineral content at both total and regional levels. DEXA is highly valued for its accuracy, reproducibility, speed, affordability, and low radiation exposure. Furthermore, advancements in DEXA technology and software now allow for precise estimation of visceral adipose tissue. This review underscores the clinical applications of whole-body DEXA, focusing on the use of muscle and fat mass indices in diagnosing low muscle mass, sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity, aligned with the latest research and guidelines.

CPP : Cardiovascular Prevention and Pharmacotherapy